Young people receiving universal inputs.
Young people received detached youth work.
Young people receiving targeted interventions.
Statistics from 2019 until September 2024
Welcome to the
Avon and Somerset Violence Reduction Partnership
"As the Director for the Avon and Somerset Violence Reduction Partnership, I am responsible for the delivery of the Avon and Somerset wide strategy, as well as the Home Office Violence Reduction Unit and Violence Duty requirements. My aim is to drive delivery of a whole system change approach utilising the Public Health model to tackling serious violence. I will do this by reviewing our operating model, ensuring that partners are working collaboratively to identify and address the root causes of serious violence and evaluating interventions to provide assurance to the Serious Violence Reduction Partnership Board that they are effective. I am proud to be involved in such important work that directly impacts local people’s lives and generations to come."

Natalie Lavis
Our Purpose, Vision and Mission
Purpose: Our purpose is to create safer and more resilient communities for now and the generations to come, by reducing serious violent incidents across Avon and Somerset.
Vision: Our Vision is to eliminate serious violence, protect the vulnerable and create safer communities, through the opportunities provided by the evolving Violence Reduction Partnership.
Mission: Our mission is to work collaboratively with partners, to understand and address the root causes of violence in Avon and Somerset, with a focus on education, prevention, and protection.
What is aViolence Reduction Partnership?
The Violence Reduction Partnership (VRP) brings together specialist partners, at both the strategic pan Avon and Somerset and local authority level. Together they work to identify and understand the underlying causes of local violent crime and provide an effective response to reduce and deter people from carrying out these crimes.
Across these two layers, these partners include:
- Education representatives
- Fire and Rescue
- Integrated Care Boards – Health
- Local Authorities and Community Safety Partnerships
- Office for Health Improvement and Disparities
- Police
- Probation
- The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
- Voluntary Sector representatives
- Youth Offending Services
Click on the link below to find out more on our VRP and our hub and spoke model.
The Avon and Somerset2023/2024 VRP Achievements
Avon and Somerset Violence Reducation Partnerships work to tackle serious violence has resulted in:
Young people reached through interventions and awareness raising.
Professionals from partner agencies received training.
Interventions were delivered across Avon and Somerset.
ASVRP Reaches Nearly 19,000 Young People in 2023-2024
The Avon and Somerset Violence Reduction Partnership (ASVRP) has helped nearly 19,000 young people this past year through a range of tailored programs aimed at reducing violence in local communities. ASVRP also provided training and support to over 1,600 professionals...
September VRP Director’s Blog
I would like to dedicate this blog to the ‘Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Plan’ draft priorities and consultation.
Collaborative working
Since becoming the new Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner, I have heard about the numerous innovative knife crime prevention interventions being delivered across the region.
July VRP Director’s Blog
As we approach the end of another academic year, I would like to use this blog to celebrate the successful interventions our Violence Reduction Partnership spokes and partners have delivered in collaboration with education providers.
The Crime Prevention Through Sport Fund
Crime Prevention Through Sport Fund is open for applications.
The deadline for applications is Monday 29th July 2024.
June VRP Director’s Blog
Following last month’s elections for the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) I have been delighted to welcome our new PCC, Clare Moody.
May VRP Director’s Blog
Avon and Somerset is a diverse area, encompassing an energetic city, active towns and villages as well as vast open countryside.
March VRP Director’s Blog
First VRP Director’s monthly blog.
Uniting across Avon and Somerset to keep our young people and communities safe from serious violence