Initiatives and projects 2024-25

Initiatives andProjects 2024-2025

Below are some of the initiatives and projects delivered and/or funded through the Violence Reduction Partnerships.

A&E Navigators


Two Substance Misuse Workers are located in both of the main Somerset hospital A&E departments.

Those who attend (under the age of 25) and are victims of knife, violent crime or experience substance misuse are offered support. The service will work with over 25’s where they are presenting with a need and where appropriate a referral offered to the main service HUB

Current VRP delivery area: 

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) & Youth Therapy

CBT & Therapy Support

Supporting young people with a bespoke 1-2-1 therapeutic and/or CBT support for young people who have been identified as being at risk of or affected by serious violence. This aims to reduce offending behaviours whilst increasing the young person’s engagement and confidence.

Current VRP delivery areas: 


This three-tier support model has been designed to support young people’s mental health.

Tier 1 – Delivery of a time sensitive trauma-responsive, community-based interventions to those most affected by incidents of high harm.

Tier 2 – Targeted interventions to friendship groups of young people currently accessing services in Bristol.

Tier 3 – Mental health programmes in targeted schools and alternative learning settings with high levels of youth violence.

Current VRP delivery area:

SOTICS – Trauma Forensic Response 

This service offers a psychologically informed case formulation process to support trauma recovery and case management of identified children and young people at risk of exploitation, serious youth violence or risk to self or others. We work closely with Safer Options to identify appropriate referrals.

The process involves working with the professional network around a child to understand what has happened to them, and how they can best be supported in a trauma informed way. It offers a clinical framework and support to those working directly with the child and family. Whilst the service does not work directly with children/young people or their parents/carers, best practice will be that they are informed of and consent to the process (unless safeguarding concerns suggest otherwise). The input of the children/young people and their parents/carers is valued by their direct worker, who can present their views in the consultation and give feedback.

The service is delivered by a Highly Specialist Practitioner and a Senior Practitioner, co-located in Be Safe in Specialist Services CAMHS. Offering a case formulation meeting for appropriate referrals, followed with a psychologically informed report and suggestions of trauma informed intervention, and a reflective space to discuss ongoing concerns.


Current VRP delivery area:

Focused Deterrence


High Risk Over 18s – Targeted Outreach Work. 

These group workshops take place inside prisons, working with offenders aged between 18-24 years.  The workshops focus on topics such as:

  • Empowerment,
  • Financial Literacy,
  • Identity,
  • Practical Skills,
  • Relationships,
  • Social Reintegration.

As well as how these topics link in with exploitation, serious youth violence and criminal activity.

Current VRP delivery area: 

Start to Finish

A dedicated Start to Finish Worker, supports referred young people aged between 16-24 years. This support includes, but not limited to:

  • Addressing substance misuse,
  • Finding employment,
  • Improving social skills,
  • Reducing criminal involvement,
  • Securing accommodation.


Current VRP delivery area: 

The Wheels Project 

This weekly intervention is for high-risk young people who are not in full-time education. The project includes:

  • Kart Building,
  • Kart driving,
  • Vehicle maintenance courses.


Current VRP delivery area: 



1-2-1 Community Mentoring

This bespoke trauma informed package is delivering to individual in a 1-2-1 community mentoring/youth work make up. This has predominantly targeted boys and young men, who are disproportionately represented in the cohort and underrepresented in other emotional, social and health services.

Current VRP delivery area: 

Arts & Music Mentoring

This targeted mentoring aims to provide a positive creative outlet for young people who are not attending full time education and/or at risk of exploitation and serious youth violence. These creative arts include:

  • Murals,
  • Music (using studio time),
  • Sculpture art.
Current VRP delivery area: 

BXcellence Mentoring

This six-week 1-2-1 mentoring support package is for identified young people. Aimed at:

  • Developing protective behaviour strategies,
  • Improving confidence,
  • Reducing risk and/or harm.
Current VRP delivery area: 



Lived Experience Mentoring

The Lived Experience Mentoring Scheme is facilitated by a local lived experience mentor. They aim to support and positively influence the behaviour of children who have been exploited, involved in serious violence or those who are at risk of becoming involved.

Many of young people become peer mentors, providing them with a positive experience and empowerment to support others within our local communities.

Current VRP delivery area: 

Parental/Carer Sessions


Awareness Events 

A series of parental knife crime awareness events are being offered to local parents and/or carers. The events raise awareness about knife crime and approaches parents and/or carers can take to help keep their children safe.

Alongside this will be a series of training events for professionals who work with young people, with a focus on social media and youth violence.

Current VRP delivery area: 

Parent Support Groups/Package

These dedicated parents and/or carers support groups are for those with children and young people who are involved and/or on the periphery of becoming involved in serious youth violence and/or exploitation. The support is a combination of 1-2-1 support and peer support. These groups will increase the development of stronger community networks, which will include non-violent resistance strategies as well as protective strategies being put into place for siblings.


Current VRP delivery areas: 

School Based Projects


Blunt Truth 

This is police led educational intervention which is delivered in partnership with Great Western Air Ambulance or Army Medics, is a two-part session, delivered to secondary school year groups and included:

  1. Advice and guidance on what to do if you know someone is carrying weapons.
  2. Practical based first aid training, which including how to deal with knife injuries.
Current VRP delivery areas: 

Education Inclusion Project 

This 1-2-1 support works with young people at risk of exclusion from education and/or involvement in serious youth violence.  The project aims to support the young person, parents and the school in overcoming any issues and barriers which maybe preventing the young person from staying in school. The overall aim is to keep them in education and reduce the risk of them becoming involved in serious youth violence and/or exploitation.

Current VRP delivery areas: 

Girls & Young Women’s Group Work

This gender specific 12-week programme group work is delivered in schools to a specific identified gender specific community group/s. The work includes:

  • Building self-esteem/confidence,
  • Considering resilience,
  • Healthy relationships
  • Prevention of exploitation.
Current VRP delivery area: 

St. Giles Trust

St. Giles Trust delivery an education and awareness session to primary and/or secondary schools on key themes such as:

  • County lines,
  • Drugs and violence,
  • Gangs.

It does not specifically cover knife crime as this is done through Blunt Truth.

An additional session will be offered to parents/carers and professionals who work with young people.

Current VRP delivery area: 


Teachable Moments – Violence Prevention Lessons & Social Skills Training. 

These teachable moments lessons take place in secondary schools located in our higher demand community areas. These two tailored interventions work with groups or individuals who have been identified by the school or police and cover healthy relationships.

Current VRP delivery area: 

Unique Voice – Schools 

This gender specific social skills training group work is delivered in schools, with the community and/or youth provisions. Work includes:

  • Building self-esteem/ confidence,
  • Exploring healthy relationships,
  • Prevention of exploitation,
  • Supporting resilience.
Current VRP delivery area: 

Violence Prevention Workshops

These workshops raise awareness of violence, offering advice and support to young people.

Current VRP delivery area: 

Weapons and Drugs in School

This bespoke intervention is delivered within a school setting and is designed to divert identified young people from being excluded.


Current VRP delivery area: 

Sports Diversion


Sports Diversion 

Multiple sports provisions use traditional, informal sports and physical activity to reduce and divert young people’s involvement in violence, crime and anti-social behaviour. These activities enable professionals to engage and support young people.


Current VRP delivery area: 


Sports Mentoring

Young people who have been identified as being at risk of anti-social behaviour are supported by sports mentors, using a holistic mentoring approach and encouraged to participate in community activities/sports.


Current VRP delivery area: 


Sports Programme

Young people involved in anti-social behaviour, have come to police attention or are not in education are offered this sports programme. It is non-contact boxing sessions facilitated by boxing champion mentors, boxing therapist and box careers.


Current VRP delivery area: 

Training for Professionals


Professionals Training

An important local response is required for professionals who work with children and young adults who are at risk of serious violence. A bespoke (commissioned) programme of support training is being created to educate and support B&NES youth professionals.

Due to the sizable gap in understanding how and what impact social media has on youth violence and given children’s access to social media and the internet increasing, the focus of this year’s professionals’ training may continue to focus on this area – building on the work in provided across 2023/24. A detailed scope with input from those professionals will support this programmes development.

Current VRP delivery area: 

Unique Voice – Train the Trainer 

Details to follow.

Current VRP delivery area: 

Youth Outreach

Detached Youth Work

Youth Workers will meet young people in identified areas, where they are. The workers develop working relationships and provide support to help young people make positive choices and enable them to understand the consequences of poor choices including becoming involved in:
• Anti-social behaviour,
• Drugs,
• Gangs.

They will also sign post and inform young people about the services available to them. The work will include the delivery of pop-up youth activities, responding to serious incidents, involvement and support in contextual safeguarding assessment and late-night detached work.

The North Somerset Outreach Youth Worker will also use the youth outreach van, which enables easy movement to different areas and is staffed by 2-3 Youth Workers.

Current VRP delivery areas: 

Street Doctors

This unconscious and bleeding training sessions is delivered to young people within youth club settings by trainee doctors. The session include:

  1. How to deal with an unconscious patient
  2. Dealing with a bleed.

This is a practical based intervention to give young people the knowledge to deliver first aid.

Current VRP delivery area: 


The Youth Voice – Community Engagement

Enables community and young person engagement in a variety of forms, including but not limited to:

  • Community awareness days,
  • Engaging with parents and carers,
  • Secondary school engagement,
  • Structured engagement with young people.

All to ensure their voices are heard to influence strategic decisions.

Current VRP delivery area: 


Worle Hub

Utilising an existing public building (children’s centre) this VRP work with their Children’s Services colleagues to create a youth hub/area for young people to use.

Current VRP delivery area: